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TK Maxx - Tuggeranong, ACT

Anketell Street and Reed Street NorthGreenwayACT 2900
Today: 9:00 am - 5:30 pm

Opening Hours TK Maxx - Tuggeranong, ACT

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TK Maxx - Tuggeranong, ACT - Trading Hours & Store Details

TK Maxx is found in an ideal spot in South.Point Tuggeranong Shopping Centre on Anketell Street and Reed Street North, about a 0.3 km driving distance north-west from the centre of Tuggeranong, in Greenway (a few minutes walk from South.Point Retail and Home World). This store is properly situated for customers from Monash, Greenway, Callista, Wanniassa, Isabella Plains, Oxley, Tuggeranong Town Centre and Bonython. Today (Tuesday), it is open 9:00 am until 5:30 pm. On this page, you will find information about TK Maxx Tuggeranong, ACT, including the operating times, place of business info and direct contact number.

TK Maxx lies not far from the intersection of Anketell Street and Reed Street North, in Greenway, Tuggeranong, at South.Point Tuggeranong Shopping Centre.

By car

Simply a 1 minute drive time from Soward Way, Cowlishaw Street, Scollay Street or Reed Street South; a 3 minute drive from Athllon Drive, Drakeford Drive and Erindale Drive; and a 8 minute drive from Judkins Street or Taverner Street.

Users of GPS systems should enter the following address when traveling here: Anketell Street and Reed Street North, Greenway, ACT 2900.

By bus

Bus services run directly to and from Soward Way Homeworld, Soward Way After Anketell Street, Tuggeranong Station Arrivals and Tuggeranong Bus Interchange.

On foot

In the neighbourhood you might visit Tuggeranong Square, AMF Bowling, Tuggeranong Town Park, Lake Tuggeranong District Park, South Point and Tuggeranong Library.

There is presently 1 TK Maxx location operational in Greenway, Australian Capital Territory.

Access this page for a full list of all TK Maxx stores near Greenway.

While shopping at TK Maxx, be sure to take a look around the other interesting stores in South.Point Tuggeranong Shopping Centre. Here you'll also find Woolworths, Coles, Big W, Kmart, Target, JB Hi-Fi, Harris Scarfe, Priceline Pharmacy and other possibilities.

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Open: 8:00 am - 10:00 pm0.04km
Open: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm0.04km
Open: 9:00 am - 5:30 pm0.10km