Opening Hours Harvey Norman - Marion, SA
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Harvey Norman occupies a prominent location at 826 Marion Road, approximately a 0.3 km drive south-east from the centre of Marion (near to Tilley Court Reserve and Marion Uniting Church). The store is an added feature to the locales of Oaklands Park, St Marys, Bedford Park, Tonsley, Sturt, Seacombe Gardens, Marion Town Centre and Mitchell Park. Trading hours for today (Wednesday) are from 9:00 am - 5:30 pm. Please see this page for the specifics on Harvey Norman Marion, SA, including the trading times, place of business info, email contact and more info.
Harvey Norman is positioned near the intersection of Marion Road and Tilley Court, in Marion, South Australia.
Situated within a 1 minute trip from Norfolk Road, Maldon Avenue, Township Road or Tweed Avenue; a 3 minute drive from Diagonal Road, M2 / Southern Expressway or Sturt Road; or a 12 minute trip from A2 / South Road and A13 / Main South Road.
The address for GPS devices is: 826 Marion Road, Marion, SA 5043.
The closest bus stop is: Marion Road - West side. The best routes to take are the 101, 976 and 989.
Visit the store from Tonsley Train Station (947 m), Flinders (to be constructed) Train Station (966 m) and Clovelly Park Train Station (1088 m away). Service on the line: Tonsley.
Within a couple miles you will come across Sturt Oval, Alison Avenue Reserve, Trowbridge Avenue Reserve, Tarturninthi Park, George Street Reserve and Peterson Avenue Reserve.
Right now, Harvey Norman operates 1 store in Marion, South Australia.
Access this link for a complete directory of every Harvey Norman branch near Marion.